Monday, March 30, 2009

Danger For Cigarettes Early

4:29 PM by My Blog ·
All the people who always want to be living a healthy life is mirrored by a healthy environment. Therefore keep the environment healthy is a duty the whole community not just the government. If you want to have a healthy life we must begin with how to instill healthy patterns of living for themselves first, the family one of the children who must ditanamkan since early on smoking hazards, so that in the future they will not be affected so that the smoker environment.

Lately active smoking habits in children cenderuing increased. When the first child the age of smoking while sitting in the junior high school, now this can be found children of primary school classes have started a lot 4 the meroko secretly. In fact, the consumption of cigarettes since early age can cause behavior that are difficult stopped smoking, and risk to health or the environment. In addition also can be a gateway for children to consume drugs.
For passive smokers, children who grow dilingkungan a lot of cigarette smoke also have the same risk of disease, if exposed to cigarette smoke for a long period of time. The report Global Youth Tobacco Survey 2000, showed 89 percent of students age 13-15 years was linkungan inhale cigarette smoke in public places-are at risk of suffering from common diseases and bronchitis, pheumonia, and middle ear disease.

Chronic tuberculosis disease in people older adults that is due to cigarette smoke exposure during childhood, the health damage to children that will be followed by damage to their health during adulthood. This means that the damage to productivity for themselves and for society, therefore, since the end of an 60-year in the United States made a number of smoking cessation programs in schools starting from primary school level.

If the United States have been doing it since long time, why not India also issued a ban on smoking child. The high number of smokers in the age and young children, among others, due to the influence of the incessant ads that promote cigarette products. Departure from the ads that children under the age of 18 can not distinguish the rights which deems good.

There is a tendency away from children imitate what the ad was delivered by a cigarette product, the condition is worsened by smoking habits by their parents. With the help of their parents smokers to stop smoking, it is not only to prevent children becoming smokers, but can also help encourage young people to stop smoking.

Danger Smoking

Many studies prove that smoking habits increase the risk of occurrence of various diseases, such as heart disease and ganggguan blood vessel disease, lung cancer, oral cavity cancer, cancer laring, osefagus cancer, bronchitis, high blood pressure, impotensi, and interference in the pregnancy and disability fetus. Patients high-risk smokers also experience complications or wound healing after sukarnya distinction including plastic and reconstruction surgery, breast surgery and plastic forming operations involving members of the body, the bottom.

In fact, smoking habits are difficult and rarely removed people recognized as a kebiasan bad. Moreover, people who smoke to move away from the stress and emotional pressure, more difficult to break away from this habit than smokers who do not have a background depression.

The latest research also shows the danger of second hand smoke is the cigarette smoke terhirup by people who are not smokers around smokers because it is also called passive smokers. Cigarettes can not be separated from the raw material that is pembuatannya tobacco. In Indonesia, tobacco and clove add the ingredients are mixed to create other materials Cigarette. Besides Kretek tobacco can also be used as a cigarette linting, white cigarettes, cigars, cigarettes and pipe tobacco without smoke (chewing tobacco).

Gynecology smoke a cigarette in the dihisap? not less than 4000 toxic chemical substances. Chemical substance that is removed from the gas component (85 percent) and particles. Nicotine, karbonmonoksida gas, nitrogen oxide, hydrogen cyanide, Ammonia, akrolein, asetilen, benzaldehid, urethan, BENZEN, Methanol, kumarin, 4 etilkatekol, and perylene are ortokresol It is of thousands substances in cigarettes.

Cigarette smoke gas components is karbonmonoksida, Ammonia, hidrosianat acid, nitrogen oxide and formaldehid. Partikelnya the form of tar, indol, nicotine, karbarzol, and kresol. Oxygen-oxygen is toxic, and cause cancer mengiritasi (karsinogen).

How do People Dangerous Diseases

Nicotine substance most frequently discussed and examined the person, nerve poison the body, increase blood pressure, cause blood vessel constriction edge and cause addiction and dependence on the users. Kadar 4-6 mg of nicotine diisap by adults every day can cause addiction.

Black lead (Pb) generated a pool of 0.5 ug. Sebungkus cigarettes (20 cigarettes contents) that diisap out in one day yield 10 ug. While the threshold plumbum into the body is 20 ug per day. Can be when a heavy smoker suck average roko wrapped 2 per day, how much is harmful substances into the body.

Gas karbonmonoksida (CO) has a strong tendency to berikatan with hemoglobin in blood cells red. This should berikatan hemoglobin with oxygen is very important for the respiratory body cells, but because stronger CO gas from the oxygen in the gas CO seize this place with hemoglobin. Be hemoglobin coupled with CO gas. CO gas content in the blood of smokers is not less than 1 percent. While in the blood of smokers to reach 4-15 percent.

Tar is a collection of thousands of chemicals in cigarette smoke components solid and karsinogen. At the time dihisap tar cigarettes into the mouth cavity as a dense vapor. After the cold will be a solid shape and brown sludge on the surface of the teeth, respiratory tract and lungs. Precipitation varies between 3-40mg per cigarette rod, while the tar content of cigarettes in the range 24-45 mg

Antibody decreased

Oral cavity is very easy to exposed the harmful effects resulting from smoking. The change in the oral cavity is very reasonable because the mouth is the beginning of the occurrence of absorption of oxygen-oxygen burning cigarette. Cigarette on the edge temperature is 30 degrees C, while the tip of the cigarette is burned bersuhu 900 degrees C.

Hot tub blow continuously into the mouth cavity is a heat stimulus that causes the changes of blood flow and reduce expenses saliva. As a result, a dry mouth cavity and an over-aerob so provide a suitable environment for the growth of bacteria in an-aerob plaque. Itself smokers are at risk of bacterial infection causes the disease network supporting tooth than those who do not smoke.

The influence of cigarette smoke is the direct irritation of the gum and indirectly through products such as cigarette-smoking nicotine that had been through the flow of blood and saliva. Network supporting a healthy such as dental gum, dental film, dental cement, and bone where the teeth become damaged tertanamnya because terganggunya normal function of the body defense mechanism against infection and can stimulate the body to destroy healthy network around.

In the smokers decrease the body's immune substance (antibody) that is contained in saliva which is very useful for menetralisir bacteria in the mouth cavity and interference occurs cells function body defense. Defense body cells can not be approached, and the bacteria-eating bacteria attacker's body so that the cell defense tubuhtidak more sensitive to changes in the surrounding of the infection.

Nicotine have a role in the occurrence of the disease begin supporting network gear because nicotine can be absorbed by the network software oral cavity including the flow of blood through the gum and gum perlekatan on the surface of the teeth and roots. Nicotine can be found on the surface of the tooth root and metabolisnya is kontinin results can be found in the liquid gum.

Perlekatan network and fiber-bundle collagen fibers is obstructed, so that the process of healing and regeneration after treatment disrupted the network. Tobacco chewing is also often called tanapa tobacco smoke seems to have become a trend and many products used by the young, athletic women and old age in the United States. Menguyah tobacco in Indonesia has become a habit since past. Although without chewing habits of tobacco smoke is suspected as the cause of the occurrence The speck of white and oral cavity cancer. Deviation usually occurs in the cheek, where tobacco is smoked without the usual inserted.


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